Master Nutrition Course E-book


This bundle of books is a must for those who want to learn nutrition and how the chemistry of foods affects each organ, tissue, gland, muscle, and bone of the body.


Master Nutrition Course E-book by Bernard Jensen, DC, PhD, ND  This bundle of books is a must for those who want to learn nutrition and how the chemistry of foods affects each organ, tissue, gland, muscle, and bone of the body. We are literally made from the nutrients from the earth.  Learn which foods nourish and strengthen each body part and help them to perform at optimal levels.  Learn how to set up a healthy kitchen and prepare foods that will be nourishing for the whole family.  “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” was a statement by Hippocrates and Dr. Bernard Jensen taught this in these books and believed in it whole heartedly.

This set includes these 6 e-books:

Nutrition Handbook
Forever Young Living
Special Foods for the Caring Kitchen
Body Chemistry the Dust oft he Earth
Food Wisdom For A Long Life
Master Feeding Program



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