Food Wisdom For A Long Life – E book


One of the greatest discoveries of my life was finding out that researchers in our colleges and universities, as well as government scientists, were beginning to agree with what I’ve been teaching for nearly 60 years: that health and disease are mostly determined by our foods and lifestyle.

Your body is a unique structure of atoms and molecules of many different chemical elements. It is unlike every other person’s body. When everything in your body is arranged in exactly the right place, with exactly the right chemical elements, with every body process moving at exactly the right speed, then you are experiencing the very best state of wellness possible for you. The foods you eat supply the chemicals your body needs to be well. If you eat too much or too little of the foods your body needs, you will not be well. Deficiency leads to a disease.

Most people are not experiencing the very best state of wellness, because they don’t know their foods. In fact, most people are going more toward a disease than toward wellness, because their diets are imbalanced. Too much cholesterol, not enough lecithin. Too much sugar, not enough calcium. Too much fat, not enough fiber. You need to become informed about foods!

For many years, Dr. Bernard Jensen studied with Dr. Victor Rocine, a Norwegian homeopath, who had worked with pioneering European nutritionists. From V.G. Rocine, Dr. Jensen learned how to restore chemical balance in the body through proper nutrition, reversing the conditions that bring a disease.

Master Nutrition Course, Book 5
Food Wisdom For A Long Life – E book



For many years, Dr. Bernard Jensen studied with Dr. Victor Rocine, a Norwegian homeopath, who had worked with pioneering European nutritionists. From Rocine, Dr. Jensen learned how to restore chemical balance in the body through proper nutrition, reversing the conditions that bring a disease. The outstanding success of his sanitarium work with patients was, in great part, supported by his use of Rocine’s ideas, which he shares in this book.

Dr. Jensen holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Humanistic Studies in San Diego, California.

Using whole, pure and natural foods, Dr. Jensen has brought thousands of patients and students not only to a better state of health, but to a new way of life. In this book, Dr. Jensen introduces the chemical elements and foods that can change your life.


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