His Quest for Health and Happiness DVD


Embark on a transformative journey towards health and happiness with “His Quest for Health and Happiness” DVD, a captivating film narrated by the legendary actor Dennis Weaver. This remarkable movie takes you on an exploration of wellness, guided by the insights and wisdom of Dr. Bernard Jensen.


Embark on a transformative journey towards health and happiness with “His Quest for Health and Happiness” DVD, a captivating film narrated by the legendary actor Dennis Weaver. This remarkable movie takes you on an exploration of wellness, guided by the insights and wisdom of Dr. Bernard Jensen.

Dennis Weaver, known for his illustrious career in film, lends his distinctive voice to this enlightening documentary. As your host, Weaver engages in thought-provoking interviews with Dr. Bernard Jensen, a renowned figure in the field of health and holistic wellness. Together, they delve into the secrets of optimal health discovered in various corners of the world.

Join Dr. Bernard Jensen on a virtual global tour, where you’ll uncover the incredible health practices that have sustained individuals well into their centennial years. Through this cinematic journey, you’ll gain a profound understanding of the factors contributing to the longevity and vitality of people aged 100 and beyond.

The documentary invites you to witness firsthand the diverse cultural approaches to well-being, shedding light on the lifestyles, diets, and traditions that have been instrumental in promoting enduring health. As you traverse continents with Bernard, you’ll be captivated by the unique stories and experiences of individuals who have embraced a harmonious relationship with their bodies and the world around them.

“His Quest for Health and Happiness DVD” is more than just a film; it’s an immersive exploration into the art of living well. Whether you’re seeking inspiration for your own well-being journey or simply intrigued by the secrets of longevity, this DVD promises an enriching and enjoyable experience. Embrace the opportunity to learn, reflect, and celebrate the timeless pursuit of health and happiness. Let Dennis Weaver’s compelling narration and Dr. Bernard Jensen’s profound insights guide you towards a fulfilling and vibrant life. Enjoy the wisdom shared in this cinematic masterpiece, and embark on your own quest for health and happiness.

Additional information

Weight 0.65 oz
Dimensions 12.5 × 9.5 in