Forever Young Living Ebook Dr. Bernard Jensen believed in being healthy long into our later years. He found people throughout the world that lived to be well over 100 years old. Here he teaches the secrets of how to take care of the body so that we too can lead healthy, long lives.
Having spent a considerable amount of time immersed in the drugless healing arts, Dr Bernard Jensen reflects on the significance of nutrition in comprehensive and valuable treatments. They assert that no healing approach can be deemed worthwhile or complete without incorporating nutrition. In his perspective, the roles of housewives and cooks surpass those of doctors and specialists when it comes to fostering health and combating diseases. The responsibility, he emphasize, lies with each cook to acquire knowledge about nutrition, food chemistry, and food properties to ensure the well-being of their family.
Furthermore, the Dr Jensen expresses concern about the potential health risks faced by teenagers due to poor dietary habits, which could lead to heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions later in life. Citing surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, they highlight alarming statistics, such as only 52% of high schoolers being enrolled in physical education classes and a mere 13% consuming the recommended five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables. This, he contend, forms a deficiency diet pattern that will inevitably result in visits to the doctor’s office in the future.
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