For many years, Dr. Bernard Jensen studied with Dr. Victor Rocine, a Norwegian homeopath, who had worked with pioneering European nutritionists. From Rocine, Dr. Jensen learned how to restore chemical balance in the body through proper nutrition, reversing the conditions that bring a disease. The outstanding success of his sanitarium work with patients was, in great part, supported by his use of Rocine’s ideas, which he shares in this book.
Dr. Jensen held a Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Humanistic Studies in San Diego, California.
Using whole, pure and natural foods, Dr. Jensen had brought thousands of patients and students not only to a better state of health, but to a new way of life. In this book, Dr. Jensen introduces the chemical elements and foods that can change your life.
Among the many awards and honors bestowed upon Dr. Jensen are the President’s awards for “Influencing America on Nutritional Alternatives by the National Nutritional Foods Association in Nashville, Tennessee; the Golden Carrot Award for “lifelong devotion to nutritional healing, research and education,” by the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania