~ Techniques in Iris Analysis Live Seminar link Only~
Purchase is Only Available to Students Who Have Taken This Course Live!
- This includes nine links to the seminar videos that will be viewable right away.
- This is a recording of the complete course you just completed in Comprehensive Iridology. This one was filmed live in the classroom for 5 full days with Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen.
- The nine videos are in English only, with no subtitles. (9 video links total)
This also includes:
– Online Access – Techniques In Iris Analysis 1- 9
This is the online access. Watch the Techniques In Iris Analysis – ROM as a review. (4 links to view the 4 parts
When you make your purchase, you’ll instantly receive the two items listed above. Make sure that you are logged into your account before purchasing your item, as you need to log on every time you view your items. Please give the videos a few minutes to upload before you can begin viewing them.
Disclaimer: Comprehensive Iridology™ is the type of iridology taught and recognized by the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). The information provided on this website and in our products is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE OR TRAINING. Iridology does not constitute the practice of medicine. If you intend to practice Iridology, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of your state and local governments.
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