Vibrant Health From Your Kitchen E-Book


Vibrant Health From Your Kitchen, Dr. Jensen’s Food Guide for Family Health and Well-Being Ebook, by Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C. PhD, ND. Unlock the secrets to a healthier and more vibrant life with Dr. Jensen’s comprehensive food guide, a culmination of his 60 years of dedicated sanitarium practice. This 460-page hardbound masterpiece delves into the intricate world of health and nutrition, offering invaluable insights into transforming your family’s well-being through mindful food choices.


Vibrant Health From Your Kitchen, Dr. Jensen’s Food Guide for Family Health and Well-Being Ebook, by Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C. PhD, ND.

Unlock the secrets to a healthier and more vibrant life with Dr. Jensen’s comprehensive food guide, a culmination of his 60 years of dedicated sanitarium practice. This 460-page hardbound masterpiece delves into the intricate world of health and nutrition, offering invaluable insights into transforming your family’s well-being through mindful food choices.

At the heart of this guide is the Analytical Food Guide, a roadmap that illuminates the path from soil to your kitchen. Dr. Jensen’s expertise shines through as he unravels the mysteries of proper food selection and preparation. Drawing on his extensive experience, he explores how specific foods can address mineral deficiencies, combat allergies, and fortify the immune system. The book serves as a testament to the tangible improvements in the health of Dr. Jensen’s patients who benefited from these tried-and-true methods.

The journey through the book covers a range of topics essential for fostering a healthy way of life. From the intricacies of diets to the art of incorporating raw juices, tonics, and broths, Dr. Jensen leaves no stone unturned. The pages unfold into ‘My Daily Health & Harmony Kitchen,’ where readers can discover practical tips for everyday well-being. Specialty foods and food supplements take center stage, providing a holistic approach to nutrition.

Dr. Jensen delves into specific aspects such as brain and nerve feeding, the Candida Albicans Yeast Program, and nurturing friendly bowel bacteria. One of the pivotal questions addressed is the quantity and type of protein our bodies truly need.

This book isn’t just a guide; it’s a treasure trove of wisdom that Dr. Jensen considers one of his greatest works. With each page, readers embark on a transformative journey toward a healthier, more nourished life—a journey backed by decades of expertise and a passion for holistic well-being.

It is also available as a hardbound Book.  


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