Patient Education Chart of the Bowel Reflex Points Neural Reflex Areas of Bowel for Corresponding Organs Laminated Large 11 x 17
Our clinical research of the past 60 years has indicated that thee exists what are called “neural arc reflexes” that originate from specific bowel sites and “reflex” to affect specific target
tissues elsewhere in the body along pathways that are probably very similar to those pain pathways described by Cailliet.’
From our observations we propose that various bowel abnormalities may be due to inherent, or genetic, weaknesses within the bowel tissue itself that inhibit the bowel’s ability to neutralize noxious and toxic residues from various elements that settle in these weak areas.
Our clinical research supports the position that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and many other bowel abnormalities require a team approach from your health care professionals (chiropractic, acupuncture, allopathy, osteopathy, and other allied health disciplines) that includes, but is not limited to, responsible dietary management that feeds, builds, and cleanses the bowel and body by maintaining proper nerve supply to the bowel, balanced nutrition that includes supplementation to specific bowel areas and a doctor-directed exercise program.
Lastly, but certainly not least, Bernard Jensen Research Institute supports the growing body of evidence that fiber-rich foods can significantly and directly aid in preventing diet-related chronic disorders and disorders of the bowel. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the National Academy of Sciences and the U.S.
Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs have all recommended that Americans increase their dietary fiber intake?
1. Cailliet, Rene, Sot Tissue Pain and Disability, Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Co., 1983. |
2. DHHS (PHS) Pub. No. 88-50210, DHHS (NIH) Pub. No. 88-95, Rev. March, 1988. 1
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